During her service to Atris at the Jedi Academy on Telos IV, Brianna met Meetra Surik, also known as the Jedi Exile, and was subsequently tasked with accompanying her on her mission to seek out the Lost Jedi, Jedi Masters who survived the First Jedi Purge.
The illegitimate daughter to the famous Echani General Yusanis and Jedi Master Arren Kae, both of whom fought in the Mandalorian Wars, she later served along with her five half-sisters as the Handmaiden Sisters under Jedi Master Atris in the period following the Jedi Civil War. ' When you risk pain or death for another, there is no truer test of your beliefs and strength.' ―Brianna īrianna, also known as ' The Last Handmaiden,' was a half- Human, half- Echani hybrid fighter of Jedi heritage.